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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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I have the impression that the offline version has bugs, I could not save my mindmap on my local disk and some small icons were missing. Please advise.
in Bugs by

1 Answer

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Yeah, someone had reported this error.

>>could not save my mindmap on my local disk
For this error, there is a workaround. You should always open the app from http://app.mindmapmaker.org/ Even if you have no internet connection, the app should open. In this case, you can save the file to the hard disk.

You should not try to save the app in your hard disk and try to open it from there. In that case, many errors will occur.

>>some small icons were missing
Can be fixed as in the above case. You should always open the app from http://app.mindmapmaker.org/
by (12.3k points)
Thank-you for the prompt answer, yes it works the way you recommended!
This is great!
Does that mean that the browser actually loads the page from its cache?
The browser doesn't load from its cache. Cache will get deleted if you do 'Clear All Browsing Data' on your browser.

First time when app loads it is saved to your hard disk in a special area. This is a HTML5 feature. It will only get deleted, if you specifically do so. Next time around, browser loads the app from this area. Hence, it gets loaded even if there is no internet connection. After loading it checks whether an update is there on the server. If there is an update, it updates itself with the latest copy.