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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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When i try to select a color on "border color" or on "background" i can see only the color in below selection, How i can select the color in the high side?

In the high side there are color like as "green" and "red", etc etc

i'm using a Chrome browser.

let me know please, thank you very much


in Bugs by

1 Answer

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To select the colors on the higher side, drag the 'Inspector' panel to bottom. Then you can select any colors (both top and bottom).
by (12.3k points)
i've sent the request last 23 April 2020, by email.
let me know please
thank you very much
best regards
I will try to fix it soon.
Try one thing. Disable ads at bottom. It will give you more space.

To disable ads, you need to install some extension.

You can disable google ads with any adblocker extension. Try this one.



Thanks for your proposal, but i'd like to select the dimension and/or position of the "inspector".
If it's possible, i think it better then install something to disable ads.
please, can you try to implement a solution like this.
It's better when use a laptop with small screen, at this moment i cannot use upside of the selection in "border color" and " background color".
thank you
Best regards
Ok. I will try.