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Good evening.

I have saved a mind map something like 6 months ago and stored it via the link in my browser. However, after updating pc link has gone. Is there any chance you can recover this mind map and if yes, what information do you need in order to do so?

Thank you
in General Discussion by

7 Answers

0 votes

Where did you save the file? On public server?
If so, please give me the text of 'Central Node'. I shall search for files with that text.
If found, I shall send you the file link.

by (12.3k points)
0 votes

It was on your server.

Keyword should be "bim stack" or "bimstack".
Thank you
0 votes


I checked for 'BIM' and I got only the following results. I am not sure, it's yours.


If you can give node texts (either that of central or non-central) I shall search for them.

Additionally, we  delete files stored about 1 year ago.


by (12.3k points)
0 votes
None of those.

It was a brainstorming session, updated max 5-6 months ago.

BIM STACK, digital engineering, 4d, website, file output, revit, file type.

If none of those above, then it has been erased.

Thank you for your help
0 votes

Sorry I couldn't find any thing for BIM STACK.

by (12.3k points)
0 votes

Thank you for your help.

0 votes
You are welcome.

Try saving in 'Google Drive' or as a 'File' from now onward so that it is easy to find.

by (12.3k points)