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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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I like to put images to illustrate my nodes. As these take to much place in the actual mindmap I tried to include them as attachements so that I select attachment and see the image.

There seems to be a bug because when I have attached the first image by selecting the image icone and then selecting the image I want , when I do that in another node selecting a different image the first image appears, so it seems to be including the samel image as before.

Are you aware of this bug?

Thanks and regards

in Bugs by

1 Answer

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We use third party library (ckeditor) for the attachment widget. We shall look into the problem and hopefully solve it soon.

There is a work-around for this issue.

Trick to resolve:  Save the work, Close the tab in which is running the app, Reopen the app and Reopen the project.

We know this is time-wasting. We are trying hard to fix this issue.
by (12.3k points)
OK thanks, to what do you think the problem is due? (as I like this app very much I'm trying to understand how things work behind the scenes)?
We are using an external library for the attachment widget. As and when there is an update from the third party, we shall update the app to fix the issue.