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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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I tried to open a JSON file stored in Google Drive and it didn't work

Then tried downloading it and opening directly, and didn't work either

Is there any other way to try to restore a mindmap? Tried also clearing my cache and any other way I found in the forum.

I'm attaching the JSON file.

Thanks in advance.
in Bugs by

2 Answers

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Nevermind, I think I lost everything as it didn't auto-save.
0 votes

While you save in Google Drive, it won't autosave. You have to save it manually.

For autosaving, use 'Local Storage'.

Try to download the file and open it directly.

Go to, 'Document'->Open->'Choose File' beneath 'From File'.

Then select your file.

It should open successfully.

I tried opening your file, and only the root node is shown. It says 'Partido Digital'

by (12.3k points)