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I want to make lots of mind maps for my uni but I want to be able to save them on my computer and view them without being on the website as otherwise all of my revision notes will be tied to this website. Can I save them and view them on open office or word?
in General Discussion by

2 Answers

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This is an online app intended to be working within your browser. Hence it requires a browser like Chrome or Internet browser to make changes.

However to view the map outside a browser, there are a couple of choices.

i. To export the map as a picture. Use 'Document'->'Export as a Image' to save it as an image file.

ii. Export it as a Adobe PDF file. See this article for more detail, http://mindmapmaker.org/export-mindmap-as-pdf-using-chrome.html

by (12.3k points)
0 votes
I double checked by testing, and while you do have to use your browser, you don't have to have your browser connected to the internet. In this mode, the browser is just a display device for the HTML5 code that runs the mind map maker.