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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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I'm trying to build a mindmap with task notes - I can do that using the attachments button, but double clicking on the paper clip does nothing.

I also need to print out the notes along with the tasks. Am I missing some of the functionality?


Mike May
in Feature Request by

1 Answer

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1. Double clicking paper clip wont do anything. this functionality is not implemented. to view/edit attachment of a node, select that node and then click on 'Attachment' button.

2. This is not implemented yet.I can implement this if it worthwhile. You can add pictures and note to an existing node. To print attachment along, it might affect the layout of the node. For a node, where exactly you would want the attachment to be shown.
by (12.3k points)
Thanks for the reply.

I used to use Mindmanager and used the export to Word capability. In that case, my task notes would end up being the body of the text.

Long ago, I abandoned that license and I keep looking for something top replace it. I have used some alternatives that from inside the program opened a box at the bottom of the window when I entered a task with a note or attachment. This is more intuitive than needing to hit the attachment button - it also allows you to more easily move from node to node.


Mike May