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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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I was editing multiple mind maps and accidentally clicked out of one.  I had saved it, so I was expecting to have lost only some information, but it's completely gone now.  Is there any way to retrieve it?
in Bugs by

1 Answer

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Which storage system you were using? Our server or Google storage? for serious mindmaps, i recommend you to use Google Storage.

If you were using mindmaps storage, give me the 'Central Idea' of the map. Let me search the maps.
by (12.3k points)
I thought i was using google storage.  The central idea was either "what am i" or "who am i"

Thanks for the help.

Jennifer L. Berglund
Exhibit Developer/Writer
If you were using Google Storage, we are sorry that we can't help you as we don't have access privileges to search your Google account. If it was in mindmaps storage, we could search our storage system.

Search your Google account properly to check whether you have the files inside.