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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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First of all thank you for Mind Map Maker, which to date is my favorite program for mind mapping, and the closest option to paper mind mapping.
I have a question: it doesn’t seem possible to collapse and expand all the branches of a specific node. Am I wrong, or I simply haven’t figured it out? This is something that is possible to do with MindMup, which I find really really useful. Please, let me know if I haven’t figured it out, or if it’s not an option. In the latter case, maybe it could be something to implement in the future, if viable.

Thank you!
in Feature Request by

1 Answer

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I shall check it out. I think it is possible. I checked it from my computer and seems to be working fine.
by (12.3k points)