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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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Been looking for an organizational tool... this one is awesome because it's simple and supports attachments. The drawing thing is pretty cool. Here's a few things I'd like to see though: - Ability to click on the blue attachment icon directly instead of having to select the node, then choose the type of attachment you want to view on the menu - For link attachments, a label field since some links are pretty meaningless when it's just the web address - Ability to undo deleted nodes - Multi-line support for node labels - Ability to reorganize nodes (ie. reassign node to a different parent) - Option for document to automatically save Anyway, awesome add-on though I'm totally using it for several things. Thank you. RS
in Feature Request by

1 Answer

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-Ability to click on the blue attachment icon directly instead of having to select the node, then choose the type of attachment you want to view on the menu
I shall implement it soon.

- For link attachments, a label field since some links are pretty meaningless when it's just the web address
You mean a separate field in inspector panel for each node to store its own urls? You could store the url directly into the node.

- Ability to undo deleted nodes
It is currently implemented. After deleting a node, click on Edit->Undo to undo it.

- Multi-line support for node labels
It is implemented as well. As mentioned in help, press 'shift+enter' to put a line break.

- Ability to reorganize nodes
I can add the ability to create a new parent node. Assigning different parent, I will check into it.

- Option for document to automatically save
This is also implemented if you choose localstorage for saving. What I recommend is to choose this storage option when you start with a map and eventually storing the final map into another storage.
by (12.3k points)
- reorganize nodes
> a similar already existing way is to simply copy/paste on another node

-Floating node would be great

Thank you, first mindmap app i test that is intuitive and where you can move in space all sub-nodes
-Floating node would be great
What you mean by floating node? Can you elaborate? What features are you expecting?
This is a node which is not connected to the central idea. So you can use it as "second" central idea or you can also use it to connect a node twice (1 with a stream from the central idea and another to from the floating node)