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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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Bug: From the second image inserted in a node's attachment, the app insert the first image with dimension of the current

How to reproduce: open a node's attachment, insert the first image  -> all is ok; if you insert another image the app shows the first image but with dimension of the image I would insert (the second). This happens with successive images

Trick to resolve: I save the work, close the tab in which is running the app, reopen the app and reopen the project but is time-wasting (a lot of time). I use Chrome
in Bugs by

1 Answer

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Thanks for sharing the workaround. We use third party library (ckeditor) for the attachment widget. We shall look into the problem and hopefully solve it soon.
by (12.3k points)
There are news about this bug?
I am also facing the same issue. Any fix for this other than the workaround?
The workaround is to quit mindmap and try inserting it once more.