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Getting to grips with Mind Map Maker and wanted to ask a couple questions:
1) Is it possible to promote a child to a secondary main idea?
2) In terms of organisation of the map say you have child object 1 linked to the main idea with lots of children, is it possible make child item 2 from parent and then reconfigure all the children of child object 1 and make them children of child item 2?
Basically I've spent a lot of time on a mind map and now realised the center main idea actually needs to be a child of a different main idea and don't want to have to map everything out again.
in General Discussion by

1 Answer

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1. One map can contain only one Central Idea. For the time being, there is no support for multiple central ideas in a webapp.

2. I did not really understand what you meant. If you are asking, if you can change the parent node of a child (along with its children), follow these steps:
To be able to drag and drop this hole subtree to another parent node,  There is a shortcut to move one sub-branch to another branch. Click the root of the sub-branch you want to move/copy. Click 'Edit'->'Copy'. Then select another branch and click 'Edit'->'Paste'.
This way the whole sub-branch is copied to the new sub-root. You can then later delete the sub-branch from original location.
by (12.3k points)