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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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This evening, I pressed the Share button on my mindmap out of curiosity, not intending or wanting to actually share the map. My guess from other "Share" functionality I've seen was that there would be a list of sharing options like Facebook, email, etc that the user could then pick from. However, what actually happened was that the Share button lit up on being seleted and no other prompt appeared. It remained lit up until I selected Share via Drive and then exited out of that window.


I have 2 questions from this experience:

1. Is a menu supposed to appear when Share is pressed? If not, what does this button do?

2. By pressing this button, does this mean that my mindmap is now publicly accessible/searchable? If so, is there a way to make it private again? (my apologies for pressing a button I did not understand!)


Thank you for your help!

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I shall answer your questions.

1. Is a menu supposed to appear when Share is pressed? If not, what does this button do?///

The 'share' button only works if you have saved your mindmap in 'Mindmap Public Server'. Otherwise it has no meaning. If you have saved your mindmap in 'Mindmap Public Server', then a window will appear to share your mindmap.

From this 'share' menu, you can share your mindmap to other people via 'Facebook' or 'Twitter' or 'Google Plus'.

You will also get 'Permanent Url' and 'Short Url' to your mindmap. You can use these urls to share your mindmap to other people publically.

2. By pressing this button, does this mean that my mindmap is now publicly accessible/searchable? ////

No. Your mindmap cannot be publically accessible/searchable. This button is used to share your mindmap to other people via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or via direct url.

2(a). If so, is there a way to make it private again? (my apologies for pressing a button I did not understand!)

Your map is private if you have saved your map in Google Drive. If it is saved in Mindmap Server, then it is public. However you need the URL to open the mindmap. Without the URL, none can access it even if you have saved the map in Mindmap Server.

Hope your query has been answered.

by (12.3k points)

Thank you so much for your help with my questions and apologies for the delay in my reply! I understand much better now and am happy that I saved my map in Google Drive :) Also, this came in as a separate email, but I wanted to also go ahead and thank you here for your reply to me regarding my feature request for the text wrap property. You all are amazing!

Have a wonderful day,