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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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Dear Sir/ Madam, 

I am a new user of Mindmap maker. I am a Sociology PhD student and mindmap helps me to locate the literature and identify future studies.
I appreciate a lot the webaapp you developed. It's a great assistance to my work. However, I would really like to know if there is any way I could add a new "parent" for a child without cutting and pasting anything. 
Please see my mindmap inserted above as an example.  I would like to know how to add one more item between the  "cultural competence" and "children/ youth" without cut and past the "children/ youth" and everything under it. 
Hope there will be a solution. 
Wait for your reply. 


in Feature Request by

1 Answer

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For inserting a node between, 'Cultural Competence' and 'Children Youth', there is only one way to do it. By 'Copy and Paste' method only.
To add a node in between, do this.
i. Add a new node 'Parent' to 'Cultural Competence'
ii.Copy the node 'Children Youth'. Then click on node, 'Parent' and click 'Edit'->'Paste'
iii. Then click on initial node 'Children Youth' again click 'Edit'->'Cut'
iv. Now you see you have a new 'Parent' node to 'Children Youth'.
The above mentioned method is not so difficult to follow. It is easy.
by (12.3k points)