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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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in Feature Request by

1 Answer

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You mean while exporting as image?

Currently this feature is not implemented. You could however manually edit the exported image and paste company logo using any paint editing program.
by (12.3k points)
Well, I really meant before I export it, can I insert a company logo say on the top left of the page/map and then share the URL?
I could do one thing. Enable zero line widths. So that a particular node would look like its not connected to its parent node (ie, the connector line wont be visible). This way, if you could put company logo or image on that node, it will look like part of the document.

It sounds like "zero line widths" would allow the ability to simulate a "floating node". This would be a valuable feature for me. Would this be difficult to implement?
Thanks for your feedback. "zero line widths" won't be that difficult to implement. I shall implement it soon.
Hey, I have implemented 'white' color for branch nodes' color. This can simulate a 'floating node' for the effects like 'company logo on a mindmap'.