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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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First of I would like to say I really like the way one can just move the nodes around ... nice! And saving directly to Google ... neat! The red dot ... cool! yesyesyes

I have tried this app in both Chrome and Safari ... none of them shows any inclination to open an added link in a new tab ... am I missing something?

However, I would like to be able to make a time line that branches out to several branches only to come together again in one branch and I am NOT talking about the extra dashed line which you can put between two branches. Like if you would show how to go from one concept to another and there are more than one way to do so.

It took me a while to discover that one can write notes in an attachment. It would be nice, if by hovering over those blue icons, you would get a box showing the content, note, link or otherwise.

Maybe show note text permanently somewhere when node is selected?

Maybe adding an alternate text for links to show while hovering?

So now I know what the paperclip and the link is for ... what's the third icon for? At first I thought it was for adding notes, but obviously it is not.

What does the Inherit buttons do ... I don't see any difference?

Hide Border is not working ... is this normal?

More colors, please?

I know it's a lot to ask, but this app is the first one I considered moving to (from Mindmeister) of all the ones I've tried (I have looked into more than 20 different mind map tools by now). The activate link request is by far the most important one.

Cheers and keep up the good work laugh

in Feature Request by

1 Answer

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>I have tried this app in both Chrome and Safari ... none of them shows any inclination to open an added link in a new tab ... am I missing something?

if you have added links via Edit Url command button, you have to bring urls window again by clicking on Edit Url button. From there, on clicking urls, it would be opened in a new window.

>It would be nice, if by hovering over those blue icons, you would get a box showing the content

showing content on mouse hovering, we will be implementing this feature soon.

>Maybe adding an alternate text for links to show while hovering?

We are adding a third column for Edit URLs where you can enter additional caption for the url entered.

>Maybe show note text permanently somewhere when node is selected?

currently, you have to click on attachment button to open up the attachment window and show the attachment.

>So now I know what the paperclip and the link is for ... what's the third icon for?

third icon is urls attached to that node. if its color is blue means, there are links attached to that node. You can view them by selecting that node and clicking on 'Edit Urls' button.

>What does the Inherit buttons do ... I don't see any difference?

Inheriting a property means applying that property to the entire sub-branch of that particular node. For instance, select a node, change some property like say change font face. If you want to have this property applied to the entire sub-branch starting from the sub-node, click on inherit. It would be applied to the children of the selected node and their children and so on.

>Hide Border is not working ... is this normal?

If you select a node and click hide border, border is actually hidden. You cannot hide root node's border. Once you hide border of a node, select another node and you would see the initail node's border is hidden.

>More colors, please?

Sure. This new color window was implemented so that you can choose colours easily from a touch device.
by (12.3k points)