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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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Hi Azeem

This is a great app. It has transformed the way I work. Thanks.

One feature that I would love is to be able to inherit other styles, such as border type, colour, background etc in the same way you inherit branch colour. This would save me making the same change on every node. Perhaps a way to change the default too? For example Border style.

On another topic.
I have added some URLs to various nodes. The icon turns blue, but pressing it does not link me to the URL - was this the intention? It would be very useful to jump from one MM to another.

Thanks again - great app.

in General Discussion by

1 Answer

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I have added the feature to inherit other styles as well. Hope you find them useful.
Even when a link icon turns blue on various nodes, it won't do anything for the time being. To access the urls you created, you need to select that node and click on 'Edit URLs'. Then you can access the urls in the urls dialog.
by (12.3k points)