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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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Problem saving.

I like your product very much, but it will not let me save to my google drive.  When I click save,  get an error message that says Error:  for quick saving maps in google drive storage or Mind Maps server storage only.  It is as if it does not see my google drive storage.
Can you assist?
Thank you,
in General Discussion by

2 Answers

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Best answer


I checked it from my side and I can successfully save the map in Google Drive.
Please do the following checks.
1. Use a new browser/computer to check if it lets you save in Google Drive.
2. Clear browser cache (for all time) and check.
Let me know if it works.
by (12.3k points)
selected by
bro actually I dont have another comp so actually I did what u said (actually I went to a new browser)but its sayin the same.plz help

I checked from my end and it seems to be working properly.

However one other person too reported this problem. Check here,


Due to a new upgrade from Google, it will not work with incognito mode.
Try these,
1. Use a new browser/computer and then try.
2. Try clearing browser data for all time. It is described in the above mentioned link.
3. I understand you don't want to mess with your current Chrome setup. You can do one thing. Add another chrome user. Thus it will have its own browsing data setup. You can use this new chrome browser to work with Mindmap Maker.
Check here to know how to add a new user.
Let me know if it is fixed.
0 votes
Thanks for your help.

It is working now.