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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.

3 Answers

0 votes

Due to a new upgrade from Google, it will not work with incognito mode.

I tried it from end (including Firefox and Chrome) it seems to be working fine.

Try clearing browser data for all time.

Click Menu (at top right). Then click 'More Tools->Clear browsing data...'

Click 'Advanced' and then select 'Time Range' as 'All Time'. Select all options beneath it. Then select 'Clear Data'.
by (12.3k points)
Yeah, that's not happening. I won't waste 5 hours to re-setup logins, authorizations and 2FAs because Internet Masterminds want 3rd party cookies, tracking cookies from any to any website, incomplete error handling and specific instructions on what is exactly required to do something.

It's not about any specific person/developer/application/company, it's just the mentality that seems to go around since Web 1.x+
I understand you don't want to mess with your current Chrome setup. You can do one thing. Add another chrome user. Thus it will have its own browsing data setup. You can use this new chrome browser to work with Mindmap Maker.

Check here to know how to add a new user.

0 votes
Also try this. Clear browsing data for all time.

Then in a new window, login to Google Account (like Gmail).

Then try saving to Google Drive from MindMap Maker app in another window.
by (12.3k points)
0 votes

I understand you don't want to mess with your current Chrome setup. You can do one thing. Add another chrome user. Thus it will have its own browsing data setup. You can use this new chrome browser to work with Mindmap Maker.

Check here to know how to add a new user.


by (12.3k points)