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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
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I created a mind map in Chrome, saved it to Google Drive and in my search to make it a PDF (before going to your help function), I accidentally associated the .json file with as a PDF then a PowerPoint.  I cannot now open the file nor un-associate it. Everything I create in Mindmap Maker is now saved as a PDF / Ppt.

Can you help me?

My thanks,
in General Discussion by

2 Answers

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Hi Stephanie,

1. First of all, to save a document as a PDF file, follow this tutorial,

2. Use a different google account

Try saving/opening from a different google account if you have one. Check if it is functioning properly with the new account.

3. Open maps from Google Drive via MindMapMaker interface.
Goto 'Document'->'Open'.

Then click, 'Open' button beneath 'Google Drive'. It will open a screen with mindmaps (with .json extension). There you can open files directly from Google Drive.

4. how to re-associate .json with MindMapMaker

Check this document from Google. Follow those instructions.

Let me know if it is working.


by (12.3k points)
0 votes
Dear MindMapMaker,

Thank you very much. That information helped a lot and saved me from repeating a lot of work.

Best wishes,
Stephanie Furness-Barr