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Welcome to MindMap Maker Forum. Found a bug please let us know. Think mind map maker lack a feature please give us a feature request.
+2 votes
Have a problem on opening from Google Drive. I'm signed in but once I try to open my mindmaps it says "Network error, unable to fetch maps" I also try on other PC but doesn't work. Someone could help me?
in Bugs by (140 points)

7 Answers

0 votes
The same error happen to me. I used to open my mindmap files with explorer, but then it began  happening this error, so I proved to open with Motzilla. This worked until now.
0 votes
I have exactly the same issue with my maps stored on Gdrive
0 votes
Same issue here. Being able to select from DRIVE from list of files, yet nothing happens once selected any ideas?
0 votes
Hey, have same problem.

For reconstruct, I downloand file to local, and then open mind map from local driver.
This work, but I can't work with GDrive.
0 votes

We have been informed about this bug.

We will try to fix by this week. Please be patient.

by (12.3k points)
0 votes

There is a problem opening files from Google Drive directly. We are trying to fix this problem.

Meanwhile you can do one thing. Download the file from Google Directly and then open the file from 'Document'->'Open...'->'From File'. Then choose the file you have just downloaded from Google Drive.
by (12.3k points)
0 votes


It is fixed now. Please check.

If it is not working from your last computer, try using a new browser.

For the old web browser it to work, please 'Clear all browser cache' and then try loading app.mindmapmaker.org again.


by (12.3k points)