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I'd make the lines always be the thinnest and always be the same color.

I hope this feedback is useful.



in General Discussion by

2 Answers

0 votes
Currently when you create a node, the line width is thicker when it is close to root node and gets thinner while it is getting away from root node. You can manually change the width of a node as by adjusting using the buttons beside 'Line Width' under inspector panel.
When you create a new child from root node, it is assigned a random branch color. People want it this way so as to differentiate among different children. However you can change branch colour for the node and all of its children by selecting that node and clicking 'inherit' beside Branch Colour under inspector panel.
by (12.3k points)
0 votes


Thanks for your reply.  Comments, inline, below.
Currently when you create a node, the line width is thicker when it is close to root node and gets thinner while it is getting away from root node.

Yes, I personally find that that looks creepy, like an alien spider or something.

You can manually change the width of a node as by adjusting using the buttons beside 'Line Width' under inspector panel.

Yes, I know, but I have to do it for every single node I create.  That makes a lot of extra work.

When you create a new child from root node, it is assigned a random branch color. People want it this way so as to differentiate among different children. However you can change branch colour for the node and all of its children by selecting that node and clicking 'inherit' beside Branch Colour under inspector panel.

Again, that makes a lot of work.  I'd like a setting which called 'Always Inherit'.

I hope this feedback is useful.



I am planning to make a preferences screen where you can set all these changes.

You prefer line width to be thinnest towards root and then growing? or never to grow?

Currently, the immediate child of root node has random colour. Subsequent children of root's immediate children is 'inherited'.


Thanks for your continued support.  Comments inline below...

> I am planning to make a preferences screen where you can set all these changes.

Great.  Feel free to let me know when it happens so I can resume use.

> You prefer line width to be thinnest towards root and then growing? or never to grow?

Thanks for asking.  "Never to grow", i.e. constant width, constant color.

> Currently, the immediate child of root node has random colour. Subsequent children of root's immediate children is 'inherited'.

Ah, that's helpful.  Then I just need a setting for constant color from root node.

In general, I want my mind maps to have a serious appearance -- not like a cartoon.  I sometimes use mind maps in presentations so I don't want them to look childish.

One other un-related thing.  Xmind has an option to "drill down" or "focus" on a small part of the map, i.e. make a child temporarily be the root.  This is powerful for presentations and for focus in a large project.  Other mind maps don't support this.  I hope you find this idea interesting.

I hope these comments are useful to you.

