Thanks for your continued support. Comments inline below...
> I am planning to make a preferences screen where you can set all these changes.
Great. Feel free to let me know when it happens so I can resume use.
> You prefer line width to be thinnest towards root and then growing? or never to grow?
Thanks for asking. "Never to grow", i.e. constant width, constant color.
> Currently, the immediate child of root node has random colour. Subsequent children of root's immediate children is 'inherited'.
Ah, that's helpful. Then I just need a setting for constant color from root node.
In general, I want my mind maps to have a serious appearance -- not like a cartoon. I sometimes use mind maps in presentations so I don't want them to look childish.
One other un-related thing. Xmind has an option to "drill down" or "focus" on a small part of the map, i.e. make a child temporarily be the root. This is powerful for presentations and for focus in a large project. Other mind maps don't support this. I hope you find this idea interesting.
I hope these comments are useful to you.